In the past few years, we have helped a significant brand customer to establish full line women’s fashion products from few initial testing styles. Included women’s apparel and accessories like straw hats, slippers, scarves, bundle up and sweaters. Besides above items for women, we also develop more knits items for babies market.
It is a pleasure to work with our customer providing beauty and affordable collection for consumer in every season. With the rapid development of our customer, we realized we can do more for further different type’s customers by service-oriented to reduce the pressure and add value during development period for our customers.
To achieve this goal, we invited a professional knitting factory which with 50 years developing experience and design capabilities to join our team. Since then, we provide an integrated service from initial material for fabric texture to the end of garment manufactures. For customers without design team, we also provide service from concept creativities to sampling, testing and production management.
In future, we will steadily work with our customers to explore more possibilities. By providing affordable fine products which with market value and easy development procedure, we look forward to making your fashion merchandising as easy as shopping.
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